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发布时间: 2017-05-24 作者:宣传编辑部


  On May 24, 2017 (China time), the World Economic Forum Seoul Forum 2017 was inaugurated in Shilla Hotel. Late on the May 23, a dinner was given at the Emerald Hall in Shilla Hotel to welcome the guests of the forum. As the organizers of the event, vice president of Seoul Economy Lee Zonghuan, representative of China-Korea Exchange Channel of ifeng.com Jin Changwan, deputy minister of Ministry of Information and Communication of Korea Yu Taixi, and vice president of National Association of Korea Medium & Small Sized Enterprises delivered welcome speeches at the dinner. President of the WRSA Entrepreneur Alliance, chairman of the board of US-China Capital Inc., and president of China General Aviation Development Association Xu Changdong was invited to the forum and delivered a speech on behalf of China. President of the WRSA Entrepreneur Alliance Ma Baotong, member of the WRSA Entrepreneur Alliance Qi Zaiyuan and deputy secretary general of the WRSA Entrepreneur Alliance Zhang Rongjie attended at the event. Before the dinner began, Mr. Xu Changdong received an interview by China-Korea Exchange Channel of ifeng.com.


  At 9:00 a.m. on May 24, China-Korea Economic Forum, the key part of Seoul Forum, was officially inaugurated. At the forum, Chinese and Korean entrepreneurs extended vigorous exploration and discussion of their cooperation and development planning under the historic background of the fourth industrial revolution. Vice president of the Seoul Economic Council Lee Zonghuan, as one of the organizers, made the first speech at the event, expressing his warmest welcome to the guests who came all the way from China and his sincere prospects of it to promote the mutual communication between Chinese and Korean enterprises. President of China-Korea Exchange Channel of ifeng.com in China Zhang Huaiyu, on behalf of the co-organizers, delivered a welcome speech. “Up to 2017, the diplomatic relations has been established for 25 years between China and Korea. Today, since new challenges have been met for the cooperation between China and Korea, I hope that through this forum, communications between Chinese and Korean enterprises will be further promoted, and wider space will be created for them to cooperate with each other.” Zhang said.


  President of the WRSA Entrepreneur Alliance, chairman of the board of US-China Capital Inc., and president of China General Aviation Development Association Xu Changdong was invited to deliver a keynote speech at the event. He talked from the development of the world economy, of the Asian economy, to the development of present economy. Among the newly increased industries China Confronted with, he emphaticaly described the emerging industry of aerospace. The age of new capacity is approaching to China which has a number of industrial chains of general aviation, so general aviation industry is bound to be a new industry arising in China. It’s a long term goal for China to develop its general aviation industry and a tough mission to have 250 thousand personnels in general aviation in 2025. Xu Changdong stressed that in the days of the fourth industrial revolution a prospect of cooperation existed between China and Korea. The 13th Five Year Plan also emphasizes the development of the artificial intelligence industry of manufacture and thus take more cooperation with those mature enterprises in Korea. Along with the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping, the new technologies are expected to serve the general aviation industry, which, as we believe, will take its place in the front ranks of the world.


  At the forum, Executive Vice-President of Chengdu Technological University the Institute of UAV Industry Technology Yan Yuehao, and director of Korean Institute of International Trade the Trend Analysis Office Cui Rongmin made the keynote speeches respectively on the development and future of the fourth industrial revolution of China and successful cases of Korean enterprises in Chinese market. In the later discussion part of the forum, the four speech givers freely talked about the profound topic of economic cooperation between China and Korea in the days of the fourth industrial revolution in simple terms.


  At the forum in the afternoon, Deputy Secretary General of the WRSA Entrepreneur Alliance and Vice President of Hummingbird (Asia) Helicopter Co., Ltd. Zhang Rongjie shared with the guests the manufacturing results of Hummingbird (Asia) Helicopter Co., Ltd. In recent years in China,described the development status of Hummingbird (Asia) Helicopter Co., Ltd. and its overall layout in China, and made a splendid exhibition on the working principles of the Hummingbird helicopters. The attendees showed great interests.

  当晚,伴随着悠扬的韩国民族乐器、弦乐和现代摇滚乐 “中韩经济论坛”拉开了序幕,包括主办方在内的千余人参加了仪式。仪式上徐昌东先生代表欧美同学会企业家联谊会、中国通用航空发展协会致辞。致辞中表示,今天的论坛我们不谈政治,只谈经济领域的合作。中韩自建交25年来,两国都是受惠国。中韩两国多年来在各产业合作方面取得了一些成绩,随着全球一体化的加深,中国正处于航空大发展时期,中韩经济合作在航空产业领域将有更广的合作前景。此次活动将会进一步增进两国人民的相互了解和好感,对各领域的交流合作、共同发展经济以及进一步改善两国关系起到举足轻重的作用。与会专家纷纷表达,此次论坛的召开,必然为中韩经济合作带来更多机遇,中韩经济关系必将更加密切,赢得新的发展空间。

  On that evening, along with the melodious national instrument, music and modern rock music of Korea, the China-Korea Economic Forum was inaugurated. Near a thousand of people attended the opening ceremony. At the ceremony, Mr. Xu Changdong delivered a speech in the name of the WRSA Entrepreneur Alliance and China General Aviation Development Association. “Today we won’t talk about the politics but cooperation in economic sphere.” He said. Both China and Korea have benefited since they established the diplomatic relation 25 years ago. China and Korea has achieved a lot from their cooperations in various industries for years. As globalization is penetrating and China is in its prospering period of aviation, China and Korea have a vaster prospect for economic cooperation in aviation industry. The event will further boost the well-understanding and empathy of people in China and Korea, which will play an important role to promote exchanges and cooperation, jointly develop their economies and further improve the relations between them. The expert attendees all said that the forum will definitely bring more opportunities for the economic cooperation between China and Korea. As a result closer relation will be resulted for China and Korea and new development space will be achieved.


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